

You can see what it really looks like by clicking on the links below. It is with them we started the mournful list of Heroes (in alphabetical order) who gave their lives for European values, territorial integrity and national independence of Ukraine.

For inclusion in this sad list it is enough to send us a surname, name and patronymic of a Hero, dates of his birth and death, as well as the text (draft project) you want to be written on the plaque. After that we will contact the initiators of the memorial plaque and quickly come to a common decision on its design.

Further content uploading to every individual page of the Hero, - his biographical facts, details of his life and heroic death, photos of friends and family, the continuation of life in children and grandchildren - we are ready to delegate this to the initiators of the memorial plaque: relatives or volunteers. Any user can add opinions and comments at any time, but the text will become publicly available only after the pre-moderation.

We invite relatives and friends of Heroes to participate in this project: do not hesitate to contact us with a proposal to memorialize your loved one, even if you do not have any money for it. To begin with, we will together design the text and color layout of the future memorial plaque, and then we will together seek for funding.

Created by: Vertius Web Design